Graphene oxide films show tunable properties for integrated photonics applications

Jul 04, 2024 (Nanowerk Spotlight) The field of integrated photonics has seen remarkable progress in recent years, driven by the demand for faster, more efficient, and compact optical devices. As researchers push the boundaries of what is possible with traditional materials, attention has turned to novel two-dimensional (2D) materials as potential game-changers. Among these, graphene oxide (GO) has emerged as a particularly promising candidate due to its unique optical and thermal properties. GO is a derivative of graphene – the single-layer carbon material that sparked a scientific revolution when it was first isolated in 2004. Unlike pristine graphene, GO contains oxygen-containing functional groups attached to its carbon lattice. This gives GO some advantageous characteristics, including the ability to tune its properties through controlled reduction processes. As researchers have explored GO’s potential for photonic applications, they have uncovered a wealth of intriguing capabilities. However, fully harnessing GO’s properties for practical devices has proven challenging. The material’s behavior can vary significantly based on factors like the number of layers and degree of reduction. Additionally, GO exhibits strong anisotropy – meaning its properties differ depending on the direction light travels through it. While this anisotropy could enable novel functionalities, it also complicates device design and fabrication. Another key hurdle has been precisely integrating GO films with standard photonic structures in a way that preserves and leverages its unique attributes. Many promising lab demonstrations have struggled to translate into manufacturable devices compatible with existing silicon photonics platforms. Overcoming this integration challenge is critical for GO to move beyond academic interest and into real-world applications. Recent advances in nanofabrication techniques and GO synthesis methods have opened new avenues for addressing these obstacles. Researchers can now create GO films with unprecedented control over thickness and reduction level. Meanwhile, improved integration processes allow GO to be incorporated into photonic devices without damaging its desirable properties. These developments have set the stage for a more comprehensive exploration of GO’s potential in integrated photonics. A new study, conducted by an international team of researchers, aims to provide just that by systematically investigating the thermo-optic properties of 2D GO films integrated with silicon nitride microring resonators. The research, published in Advanced Functional Materials (“2D Graphene Oxide: A Versatile Thermo-Optic Material”), represents one of the most thorough characterizations of GO’s behavior in an integrated photonic context to date. The team fabricated a series of devices consisting of silicon nitride microring resonators coated with GO films of varying thicknesses and reduction levels. They then conducted extensive measurements to quantify key optical and thermal properties of the GO films. text a) Schematics of atomic structures and bandgaps of graphene oxide (GO), semi-reduced GO (srGO), and totally reduced GO (trGO). b) Schematic of a GO-coated silicon nitride (SiN) microring resonator (MRR). c) Microscopic image of a fabricated SiN MRR coated with 3 layers of GO. Inset shows a scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image of the layered GO film, where numbers (1‒3) refer to the number of layers for that part of the image. d) Measured Raman spectra of a SiN chip without GO and coated with 1 layer of GO. e) Schematic illustration of cross section and f) corresponding TE and TM mode profiles for the hybrid waveguide with 3 layers of GO. Inset in (e) illustrates the layered GO film fabricated by self-assembly. g) Mode overlap with GO versus GO layer number for both TE and TM polarizations of the hybrid waveguides. (Image: reproduced with permission by Wiley-VCH Verlag) One of the study’s most striking findings was the dramatic range over which GO’s properties can be tuned through reduction. The refractive index – a measure of how much light is slowed and bent when passing through a material – increased by about 0.228 as GO was reduced. This is more than an order of magnitude larger than the tunability of conventional bulk optical materials. Even more impressive was the change in GO’s extinction coefficient, which quantifies how strongly a material absorbs light. As GO was reduced, its extinction coefficient increased by a factor of 36. This remarkable tunability could enable new types of variable optical attenuators or modulators. The researchers also observed an intriguing reversal in GO’s thermo-optic coefficient – a measure of how a material’s refractive index changes with temperature. Unreduced GO exhibited a positive thermo-optic coefficient, meaning its refractive index increased with temperature. However, as reduction progressed, this flipped to a negative value. Such a transition is quite rare and could be leveraged to create temperature-insensitive optical devices. Thermal conductivity – crucial for heat management in photonic circuits – also showed dramatic improvement with reduction. The most heavily reduced GO films demonstrated thermal conductivity over 60 times higher than their unreduced counterparts. This could make reduced GO an excellent candidate for thermal management layers in densely integrated photonic chips. Throughout their measurements, the team observed significant differences between GO’s response to light polarized parallel to the film plane (TE polarization) versus perpendicular to it (TM polarization). This anisotropy manifested in all measured properties, with differences as large as a factor of 21 for thermal conductivity. Such strong polarization sensitivity could enable novel polarization-controlling devices. Beyond static characterization, the researchers also explored dynamic changes in GO’s properties induced by optical power. They discovered a regime where GO reduction could be reversibly triggered by moderate light intensities. This opens the door to optically reconfigurable devices that can be switched between different states. At higher optical powers, the team observed enhanced optical bistability in the GO-coated resonators. Optical bistability, where a device can have two stable output states for a given input, is the basis for all-optical switching and memory. The GO coating significantly lowered the power threshold for bistable behavior, potentially enabling more energy-efficient optical logic operations. The comprehensive nature of this study provides a solid foundation for designing GO-based photonic devices. By quantifying how GO’s properties vary with thickness, reduction level, and light polarization, the researchers have created a valuable toolbox for engineers looking to harness GO’s unique capabilities. While the results are promising, challenges remain before GO can be widely adopted in commercial photonic circuits. Further work is needed to develop precise, repeatable methods for controlling GO’s reduction level across large-area films. The long-term stability of GO’s optical properties, especially under high-power operation, also requires additional study. Nevertheless, this research represents a significant step forward in understanding and controlling GO’s behavior in integrated photonic structures. The material’s extraordinary tunability and strong anisotropy offer tantalizing possibilities for next-generation optical devices.

Michael Berger
– Michael is author of three books by the Royal Society of Chemistry:
Nano-Society: Pushing the Boundaries of Technology,
Nanotechnology: The Future is Tiny, and
Nanoengineering: The Skills and Tools Making Technology Invisible
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