The science behind using plasmonic nanogaps to control light

Oct 21, 2024 (Nanowerk Spotlight) Plasmonic nanogaps – spaces between closely arranged metal nanostructures – are making waves in the field of nanotechnology for their ability to confine and enhance light at a scale previously thought impossible. These ultra-tiny gaps, often just a few nanometers wide, amplify the interactions between light and matter, opening up exciting possibilities for advanced sensing, spectroscopy, and quantum optics. But the road to harnessing this potential has been long, filled with technical hurdles and theoretical challenges. Recent breakthroughs in fabricating and controlling these nanogaps are now pushing the boundaries of what light-matter interactions can achieve, and the implications are wide-ranging. The behavior of light when it encounters metallic surfaces has fascinated scientists for more than a century. It began with the discovery of the unique optical properties of metal nanoparticles, as famously observed in ancient Roman glass artifacts like the Lycurgus Cup. This historical curiosity was later explained by Mie’s theory of scattering in the early 1900s, revealing that metal nanoparticles could interact with light in unusual ways, thanks to the collective oscillations of electrons at their surfaces. This phenomenon, known as surface plasmon resonance, allows metals like gold and silver to capture and concentrate light energy. Over the decades, researchers have built upon this knowledge, discovering that when metallic nanoparticles are brought close together, the light they confine can be intensified even further within the tiny gap between them. This realization paved the way for the development of plasmonic nanogaps, where light is squeezed into spaces as small as a few atoms, amplifying electromagnetic fields to extreme levels. A comprehensive review published in Advanced Materials (“Boosting Light−Matter Interactions in Plasmonic Nanogaps”) provides an in-depth exploration of plasmonic nanogaps and their ability to enhance light-matter interactions. The review outlines recent advancements in nanogap fabrication, details applications in areas such as surface-enhanced spectroscopy, and highlights emerging challenges in controlling atomic-level effects. Turning these optical phenomena from nanogaps into practical technology has not been easy. Early attempts at using surface plasmons for applications like sensing and spectroscopy were hindered by an inability to precisely control the size and shape of nanogaps. At such small scales, even the tiniest imperfections could drastically alter how light behaved within the gap, leading to inconsistent results. But recent advancements in nanofabrication techniques are overcoming these barriers, allowing scientists to create nanogaps with sub-nanometer precision. These advances have revitalized research into plasmonic nanogaps, enabling the creation of devices that leverage enhanced light-matter interactions for everything from molecular detection to quantum information processing. At the heart of these advancements is the ability of plasmonic nanogaps to trap light in extraordinarily small volumes. When two metal nanoparticles are brought close together, their surface plasmons – oscillating electrons bound to the nanoparticle surfaces – begin to interact. This interaction, called plasmonic coupling, generates a concentrated electromagnetic field in the nanogap. The smaller the gap, the stronger the confinement of light. In fact, nanogaps can focus light to such an extent that it becomes possible to detect and manipulate single molecules, a breakthrough that has made techniques like surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) more sensitive than ever before. Figure 1 provides an overview of the optical processes enhanced by plasmonic nanogaps, highlighting various emitter systems and boosted processes such as Raman scattering, photoluminescence, and nonlinear optical effects. It illustrates how different nanogap configurations, like the nanoparticle-on-mirror system, can support high-field enhancement, enabling applications ranging from molecular sensing to quantum light generation. text Figure 1. Plasmon-enhanced light–matter interactions. a) Schematic of optical processes enhanced by a nanoparticle-on-mirror (NPoM) plasmonic nanogap system. b) Plasmonic nanogaps supporting antenna plasmon or cavity plasmon modes affected by the gap morphology. c) Coupling of various emitters in nanogaps, including self-assembled monolayer (SAM) molecules, single quantum dot (QD), DNA linked dyes, supramolecule, 2D materials (2DMs), and light-induced metal atoms/clusters (enabling picocavities and intrinsic luminescence blinking). d) Boosted optical processes enabled by plasmonic nanogaps, including the Stokes and anti-Stokes (S/aS) Raman scattering (RS), infrared absorption (IRA), nonlinear vibrational spectroscopy (NL-VS), sum frequency generation (SFG) etc., nonlinear optics (NLO) with second or third harmonic generation and four wave-mixing (FWM), photoluminescence, strong coupling associated with phonons and excitons, electroluminescence (EL) and photochemistry (PC). SERS, which relies on the inelastic scattering of light to detect molecular vibrations, benefits enormously from the field enhancement provided by nanogaps. When molecules are placed within these gaps, the intensity of the scattered light can increase by factors of up to a million, allowing for the detection of extremely low concentrations of substances, even down to a single molecule. This makes SERS a powerful tool for chemical and biological sensing, with potential applications ranging from environmental monitoring to medical diagnostics. The ability to detect molecules with such precision could lead to breakthroughs in early disease detection, particularly in identifying cancer biomarkers or tracking drug interactions at the molecular level. Fabricating these nanogaps, however, is no simple task. The size of the gap—and how well it is controlled—directly affects the optical properties of the system. For instance, as the gap narrows, the plasmon resonance (the wavelength at which the nanoparticles absorb and scatter light) shifts toward longer wavelengths, a phenomenon known as redshifting. This shift is predictable, allowing scientists to tune the optical response of nanogap structures by adjusting their dimensions. But when gaps reach the sub-nanometer scale, classical models begin to break down. Quantum mechanical effects, such as electron tunneling, start to dominate, quenching the expected field enhancement and making it difficult to predict the system’s behavior using traditional physics. This transition from classical to quantum behavior is one of the key challenges in designing plasmonic nanogap systems. In gaps smaller than a few nanometers, electrons can tunnel through the gap, creating an electrical current and altering the plasmonic response. To account for this, researchers are developing hybrid models that combine classical electromagnetic theory with quantum mechanics. These models are essential for designing nanogap structures that can maintain their enhanced optical properties at the atomic scale. One of the most promising approaches to achieving this level of control is the use of molecular spacers. These are self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) – thin layers of molecules that form naturally on metal surfaces. By placing SAMs between metal nanoparticles, researchers can precisely control the gap distance while also introducing new chemical functionalities. For example, molecules like thiols, which bind strongly to gold surfaces, can be used to create nanogaps just 1–2 nanometers wide. This method has already been used to create highly uniform nanogaps for applications in chemical sensing and catalysis. Another exciting development is the use of two-dimensional (2D) materials like graphene or molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) as spacers in nanogaps. These atomically thin materials provide precise control over the gap size while also introducing unique electronic and optical properties. In nanoparticle-on-mirror (NPoM) systems – where a metal nanoparticle is placed above a flat metal surface – 2D materials can act as the spacer, ensuring a highly uniform gap and enhancing light-matter interactions. The ability to fine-tune the thickness of the 2D material spacer opens up new possibilities for applications in optoelectronics, such as the development of ultrafast photodetectors and energy-harvesting devices. Beyond sensing and spectroscopy, plasmonic nanogaps are also being explored for their potential in nonlinear optics and quantum technologies. In nonlinear optics, the intensity of light in the nanogap can drive processes like second-harmonic generation, where two photons combine to form one photon with twice the energy. This process is highly sensitive to the local electromagnetic field, and nanogaps provide the perfect environment for enhancing it. Nonlinear optical devices based on nanogaps could lead to advances in telecommunications, computing, and imaging technologies. In quantum technologies, plasmonic nanogaps offer a way to couple light with quantum emitters, such as excitons in semiconductors. By confining light in the nanogap, it is possible to create strong interactions between photons and excitons, leading to the formation of hybrid states called polaritons. These polaritons have unique properties that make them useful for developing quantum information systems and low-energy lasers. In the long term, this could pave the way for new types of quantum sensors and computing devices that operate at room temperature, unlike today’s quantum computers, which require extremely cold environments. Despite the remarkable progress made in fabricating and understanding plasmonic nanogaps, challenges remain. One of the most intriguing areas of current research is the study of atomic-scale effects in nanogaps. Recent experiments have shown that under intense light irradiation, atoms on the surface of metal nanoparticles can move, altering the shape of the nanogap and shifting its optical response. These atomic rearrangements introduce a new layer of complexity, as they can either enhance or degrade the performance of the device over time. Understanding these atomic-scale dynamics is crucial for designing nanogap systems that are both stable and reliable in practical applications. Plasmonic nanogaps are more than just a scientific curiosity. They are unlocking new ways of controlling light and matter on the smallest scales, with the potential to revolutionize fields ranging from medicine to quantum computing. As researchers continue to refine the techniques for fabricating and tuning these structures, the possibilities for innovation seem endless. What was once a theoretical concept is now becoming a practical tool for exploring the limits of light and unlocking the next generation of nanotechnology.

Michael Berger
– Michael is author of three books by the Royal Society of Chemistry:
Nano-Society: Pushing the Boundaries of Technology,
Nanotechnology: The Future is Tiny, and
Nanoengineering: The Skills and Tools Making Technology Invisible
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