
Electrochemistry unlocks unusual nanoparticle

Nov 21, 2024 (Nanowerk News) Palladium, a rare metal that physically resembles platinum, is a top-billing catalyst famous in the energy sector for hydrogen storage and catalytic converters. Researchers at the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology discovered a new type of nanoparticle containing palladium and hydrogen. Their work...

Building roots in glass, a bio-inspired approach to creating 3D microvascular networks using plants and fungi

Nov 19, 2024 (Nanowerk News) Microfluidic technology has become increasingly important in many scientific fields such as regenerative medicine, microelectronics, and environmental science. However, conventional microfabrication techniques face limitations in scale and in the construction of complex networks. These hurdles are compounded when it comes to building more intricate 3D...

Nanoscale protein layer boosts flexible electronics durability and adhesion

Nov 19, 2024 (Nanowerk Spotlight) The development of flexible electronic devices has faced a persistent materials science challenge: how to securely attach rigid metal components to flexible polymer surfaces. Traditional approaches using thick adhesive layers often fail because they can't maintain both strong bonding and flexibility. Previous attempts to solve...