
Smart glasses detect eye position without cameras using perovskite light sensors

Jan 22, 2025 (Nanowerk Spotlight) Eye tracking holds immense potential for enabling intuitive human-computer interaction, yet existing approaches remain cumbersome. Camera-based systems require complex image processing and raise privacy concerns. Contact lens sensors can irritate the eye. Alternative methods measuring electrical signals from eye muscles provide inconsistent results. Despite decades...

Compact comb lights the way for next-gen photonics

Jan 22, 2025 (Nanowerk News) In the world of modern optics, frequency combs are invaluable tools. These devices act as rulers for measuring light, enabling breakthroughs in telecommunications, environmental monitoring, and even astrophysics. But building compact and efficient frequency combs has been a challenge—until now. Electro-optic frequency combs, introduced in...

Harnessing electromagnetic waves and quantum materials to improve wireless communication technologies

Jan 22, 2025 (Nanowerk News) A team of researchers from the University of Ottawa has developed innovative methods to enhance frequency conversion of terahertz (THz) waves in graphene-based structures, unlocking new potential for faster, more efficient technologies in wireless communication and signal processing. THz waves, located in the far-infrared region...

Imaging electron dynamics with attosecond X-ray flashes opens new frontiers

Jan 21, 2025 (Nanowerk News) A team of researchers from the University of Hamburg and collaborators has achieved a breakthrough by capturing images of individual nanoparticles using single X-ray attosecond pulses. This advancement, which has been published in Nature Communications ("Non-linear enhancement of ultrafast X-ray diffraction through transient resonances"), sets...

Novel quantum state discovered in twisted graphene

Jan 20, 2025 (Nanowerk News) Professor Youngwook Kim of the Department of Physics and Chemistry at the Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science & Technology (DGIST), in collaboration with Professor Gilyoung Cho of the Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST), has uncovered a groundbreaking quantum state. This state emerges...