Jan 20, 2025 (Nanowerk Spotlight) Imagine floors that could light your path during a power outage or alert you to an intruder - all powered by your footsteps. While this concept has appealed to architects and engineers, creating practical smart floors has proven challenging. Regular cleaning damages electronic components, while...
AI-powered data analysis uncovers issues in scientific publications
Jan 20, 2025 (Nanowerk News) AI-powered data analysis tools have the potential to significantly improve the quality of scientific publications. A new study by Professor Mathias Christmann, a chemistry professor at Freie Universität Berlin, has uncovered shortcomings in chemical publications. Using a Python script developed with the help of modern...
The art and science of twisting light
Jan 20, 2025 (Nanowerk News) Left and right circularly polarized light, where the electromagnetic waves spiral in a clockwise and counterclockwise manner as they travel, plays a crucial role in a wide range of applications, from enhancing medical imaging techniques to enabling advanced communication technologies. However, generating circularly polarized light...
AI advances label-free photoacoustic microscopy for confocal cell imaging
Jan 19, 2025 (Nanowerk News) A research team at POSTECH has developed a technology that surpasses the constraints of traditional imaging methods, providing stable and highly accurate cell visualization. Their findings were published in Nature Communications ("Unsupervised inter-domain transformation for virtually stained high-resolution mid-infrared photoacoustic microscopy using explainable deep learning"),...
The Universe’s rapid expansion challenges physics and reshapes our cosmic models
Jan 19, 2025 (Nanowerk News) The Universe really seems to be expanding fast. Too fast, even. A new measurement confirms what previous — and highly debated — results had shown: The Universe is expanding faster than predicted by theoretical models, and faster than can be explained by our current understanding...
Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: Department of Energy announces $71 million for research on quantum information science enabled discoveries in high energy physics: Projects combine theory and experiment to open new windows on the universe
Home > Press > Department of Energy announces $71 million for research on quantum information science enabled discoveries in high energy physics: Projects combine theory and experiment to open new windows on the universeAbstract:Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced $71 million in funding for 25 projects in high...
Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: Autonomous AI assistant to build nanostructures: An interdisciplinary research group at TU Graz is working on constructing logic circuits through the targeted arrangement of individual molecules: Artificial intelligence should speed up the process enormously
Home > Press > Autonomous AI assistant to build nanostructures: An interdisciplinary research group at TU Graz is working on constructing logic circuits through the targeted arrangement of individual molecules: Artificial intelligence should speed up the process enormously The positioning of individual molecules on a materials surface is carried out...
Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: New 2D multifractal tools delve into Pollock’s expressionism
Home > Press > New 2D multifractal tools delve into Pollock's expressionism Jackson Pollock paintings (fragments) and their multifractal spectra: Mural (left), Lavender Mist (right top), and Convergence (right bottom). All multifractal spectra at the same scale, with an angular range from 0 to 180 degrees on the horizontal axis....
Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: Brand new physics for next generation spintronics: Physicists discover a unique quantum behavior that offers a new way to manipulate electron-spin and magnetization to push forward cutting-edge spintronic technologies, like computing that mimics the human brain
Home > Press > Brand new physics for next generation spintronics: Physicists discover a unique quantum behavior that offers a new way to manipulate electron-spin and magnetization to push forward cutting-edge spintronic technologies, like computing that mimics the human brain Abstract:Our data-driven world demands moremore capacity, more efficiency, more computing...
Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: How a milk component could eliminate one of the biggest challenges in treating cancer and other disease, including rare diseases: Nebraska startup to use nanoparticles found in milk to target therapeutics to specific cells
Home > Press > How a milk component could eliminate one of the biggest challenges in treating cancer and other disease, including rare diseases: Nebraska startup to use nanoparticles found in milk to target therapeutics to specific cells Nebraska researchers Jiantao Guo (left), professor of chemistry, and Janos Zempleni, Willa...