Foam-based pneumatic circuits enable new capabilities in soft robotics and wearable devices

Jul 24, 2024 (Nanowerk Spotlight) Soft robotics is designed to create flexible, adaptable devices capable of safe interaction with humans and delicate objects. This field has captivated researchers and engineers for its potential to revolutionize everything from manufacturing to healthcare. However, a persistent challenge has been developing suitable control systems for these pliable machines. Traditional rigid electronic components often prove incompatible with the deformable nature of soft robots, while existing fluidic control systems tend to be bulky or limited in their capabilities. The quest for effective soft robot control systems has a rich history, paralleling the evolution of the field itself. Early attempts often relied on external pneumatic valves and regulators, which, while functional, significantly limited the portability and autonomy of soft robots. This approach essentially tethered the robots to stationary control units, restricting their practical applications. As the field progressed, researchers began exploring ways to integrate control systems directly into soft structures. One significant breakthrough came with the development of soft valves and fluidic logic gates, enabling the creation of fully soft pneumatic computers. These innovations allowed for more complex operations to be performed entirely within soft structures. However, they still required numerous discrete components to execute sophisticated tasks, leading to bulky designs that somewhat contradicted the sleek, adaptable nature of soft robotics. Adjacent fields have provided inspiration and technological crossover. Microfluidics, for instance, has long utilized microscale channels to manipulate fluid flow in applications such as lab-on-a-chip devices. However, directly scaling these approaches to larger, flexible robots introduced new engineering hurdles. Fabricating long, narrow channels in soft materials proved challenging and prone to manufacturing defects. Even when successfully produced, such channels were susceptible to kinking or blockages during normal robot operation, compromising reliability. Against this backdrop, a team of researchers from Rice University has introduced a novel approach that could significantly advance soft robotics and wearable devices. Their work, published in Advanced Functional Materials (“Embedded Fluidic Sensing and Control with Soft Open-Cell Foams”), demonstrates a new paradigm for fluidic control using open-cell polyurethane foam. This innovative method leverages the inherent porosity of foam materials to create sheet-like pneumatic resistors and other circuit elements, sidestepping many of the manufacturing and reliability issues associated with artificial microchannels in soft materials. fluidic resistors made from soft, open-cell polyurethane foam a) An assortment of fluidic resistors made from soft, open-cell polyurethane foam; compact annular resistors are easily manufactured from foam sheets using a hole punch. b) The internal structure of the foam consists of a dense network of interconnected pores that act as high-resistance pathways for fluid flow. (Image: reproduced with permission by Wiley-VCH Verlag) Dr. Daniel J. Preston, the corresponding author of the study, explains the key innovation: “Instead of fabricating artificial channels, we’re using the foam’s natural microscopic pore structure as flow pathways. This approach not only simplifies manufacturing but also enhances the reliability and predictability of our fluidic circuits.” The research team developed analytical models and experimental techniques to characterize gas flow through thin foam sheets. By sealing foam between gas-impermeable layers, they created well-defined, predictable fluidic resistors. The resulting components are remarkably compact – the researchers produced annular resistors with precisely tunable fluidic resistances on the order of 109 Pa s m-3, all within a footprint of just a few centimeters. These foam-based components offer several advantages for soft robotics applications. Their sheet-like form factor allows easy integration into fabric-based wearable devices, a growing area of interest in the field. Compared to long, narrow channels, the foam resistors exhibit superior resilience to bending and compression – crucial properties for components that need to withstand the constant deformation inherent in soft robotics. Additionally, the microscale pore structure ensures that gas flow remains in what fluid dynamicists call a “laminar regime.” In simpler terms, this means the flow is smooth and predictable, avoiding the chaotic, turbulent effects that can occur in larger channels. This predictability is essential for precise control in robotic applications. To demonstrate the potential of their foam-enabled fluidic components, the researchers created several prototype devices. They built digital logic gates by integrating foam resistors into textile-based pneumatic valves, allowing them to construct inverters and other fundamental logic elements entirely from soft materials. This achievement brings us closer to the vision of fully soft, autonomous robots capable of complex decision-making. The team also developed a digital-to-analog converter (DAC) that could translate binary inputs into continuous pressure or flow outputs. Anoop Rajappan, the first author of the study, highlights the significance of this development: “The DAC enables digital control of analog actuators commonly used in soft robotics, such as inflatable pouches or artificial muscles. This bridges the gap between digital control systems and the inherently analog nature of most soft robotic actuators.” Perhaps most intriguingly, the researchers showed that the foam resistors themselves could act as sensors. By stacking two annular resistors and measuring changes in fluidic resistance under compression, they created a force sensor capable of detecting applied loads up to 40 N. This dual functionality – serving as both circuit elements and sensors – showcases how the intrinsic properties of soft materials like foam can be leveraged for multiple purposes within a single device. To illustrate potential applications, the research team integrated these various elements into several prototype devices. They built a textile-based bending actuator with an embedded DAC, allowing stepwise control of its curvature using digital inputs. This type of precise, digitally controlled bending could be useful in soft robotic arms or adaptive structures. They also created a wearable haptic sleeve that could receive pneumatic signals from a force-sensing “pushbutton” made from stacked foam resistors. This system enabled transmission of both analog force patterns and digital (Morse code) messages between users through purely fluidic means, without any electronic components. Such a system could find applications in environments where electronic signals are problematic, such as MRI rooms in hospitals or areas with high electromagnetic interference. Preston envisions broader implications for this technology: “Our approach opens up new possibilities for integrated, materials-based computing and control in soft robots. By shifting the focus from artificial microchannels to the inherent structure of porous materials, we’re paving the way for miniaturization and simplified manufacturing of soft pneumatic circuits.” This work represents a significant step towards fully integrated, materials-based computing and control for soft robots. However, challenges remain. The current foam resistors require some preparation, such as sealing between impermeable layers, which adds complexity compared to ideal monolithic fabrication. The interfaces between foam and fabric layers can also create potential failure points under high pressures. Rajappan acknowledges these challenges: “We’re actively working on refining our materials and manufacturing processes. Our goal is to develop even more robust and easily producible components that can withstand the demands of real-world soft robotic applications.” Looking to the future, this research could have far-reaching implications beyond soft robotics. The principles developed here could potentially be applied to other fields requiring flexible, non-electronic control systems, such as biomedical devices or adaptive architectural structures. As the field of soft robotics continues to mature, innovations like these foam-based pneumatic circuits bring us closer to realizing the full potential of pliable, adaptive machines. We may soon see increasingly sophisticated yet flexible robots that can seamlessly integrate into our environments and interact safely with humans in ways that traditional rigid robots cannot. From assistive healthcare devices to adaptive industrial tools, the possibilities are as flexible as the materials themselves.

Michael Berger
– Michael is author of three books by the Royal Society of Chemistry:
Nano-Society: Pushing the Boundaries of Technology,
Nanotechnology: The Future is Tiny, and
Nanoengineering: The Skills and Tools Making Technology Invisible
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