How relative humidity alters nanoscale electrical measurements

Oct 04, 2024 (Nanowerk Spotlight) The tools used to understand materials at their smallest scales have shaped entire industries. From the semiconductors in smartphones to the advanced materials in medical devices, understanding how materials behave at the atomic level is crucial for designing more efficient, reliable, and powerful technologies. Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy (CAFM) is one of the most critical tools in this pursuit. It doesn’t just capture images of surfaces; it measures how electricity moves through materials at scales far smaller than conventional instruments can probe. By combining spatial precision with the ability to measure electrical currents, CAFM enables researchers to explore the electrical properties of materials in ways that were previously impossible. It has become indispensable in fields ranging from microelectronics to energy storage, playing a key role in revealing the behaviors of materials used in transistors, sensors, and memory devices. Yet, CAFM faces challenges. Among the most difficult to address has been the role that environmental factors, such as humidity, play in the accuracy of its measurements. Conducting experiments in ambient air often introduces water vapor into the equation, and water molecules can form a thin layer between the tip of the CAFM probe and the sample being measured. This water film creates what’s known as a meniscus, a tiny bridge of liquid that alters the contact area between the probe and the sample. The problem is, this meniscus can significantly affect the readings, skewing the results in ways that can be hard to predict. Despite various studies attempting to address this issue, scientists have long debated the exact role that relative humidity plays in CAFM measurements. The findings have been inconsistent, with some researchers reporting that increased humidity leads to higher currents due to enhanced contact area, while others claim that humidity introduces errors by insulating the tip from the surface. A new study in Advanced Materials (“The Effect of Relative Humidity in Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy”) seeks to put this debate to rest through a comprehensive and carefully controlled investigation. The authors’ approach addresses many of the limitations that plagued earlier research by gathering an unprecedented volume of data, examining over 17,000 distinct locations across different material types, and using sophisticated methods to preserve the integrity of the CAFM tips throughout the process. By testing a wide range of relative humidity levels, they’ve uncovered a clearer understanding of how this environmental variable influences CAFM’s ability to measure electrical properties at the nanoscale, and their findings provide new guidelines for improving the reliability of these measurements. The working principle of CAFM relies on a conductive nanoscale tip that comes into direct contact with the surface of a material. By applying voltage through the tip, researchers can measure the resulting current, which provides information about the material’s electrical conductivity. Because the tip’s contact area is tiny—often just a few nanometers in diameter—CAFM can detect electrical properties with a resolution far superior to conventional methods. However, the challenge of environmental interference, especially from humidity, complicates the process. Water molecules in the air condense on both the sample and the probe tip, creating a conductive water meniscus that changes the effective area through which the current flows. This alteration can skew measurements, making it difficult to determine whether the results reflect the true properties of the material or simply the influence of environmental factors. To tackle this issue, the scientists tested their setup under a wide range of humidity conditions, from as low as 4% to as high as 54%. They selected a variety of materials – insulators, semiconductors, and conductors – to observe how each responded to changes in humidity. What sets their study apart is the use of a current-limiting setup that restricted the current during measurements to 110 picoamperes (pA). This technique prevented degradation of the CAFM tips, a common problem in earlier research that had often led to misleading results. Their extensive data collection, combined with advanced tip preservation techniques, allowed them to observe trends that had eluded previous studies. Their findings revealed that humidity does, in fact, have a significant impact on the measurements—but the effect varies depending on the material being tested. In insulators and ultra-thin semiconductors, they found that higher humidity levels led to increased currents. This phenomenon occurs because the water meniscus at the tip-sample junction increases the effective contact area, allowing more electrons to flow through the junction. In essence, the water acts as a bridge, expanding the area through which current can pass, which explains why higher currents were measured at higher humidity levels. However, this trend was not observed in thicker semiconductors or metallic samples, where the electron mean free path – the distance an electron can travel before colliding with an atom – was long enough to minimize the effect of the water meniscus. In these materials, the bulk properties dominate, rendering the environmental influence less relevant. These results underscore the need to carefully control environmental factors when conducting CAFM measurements, particularly when testing ultra-thin films or other materials sensitive to surface interactions. Without accounting for the role of humidity, researchers might incorrectly attribute observed electrical behaviors to the material itself, when in reality, the environmental conditions are influencing the results. For example, in the microelectronics industry, where ultra-thin semiconductors and insulators are widely used, failing to control for humidity could lead to erroneous assessments of material performance, potentially compromising the reliability of electronic devices. One of the key technical takeaways from the study is the importance of the water meniscus in altering the effective contact area. Under dry conditions, where humidity is very low (around 4%), the meniscus is virtually non-existent, and the CAFM tip’s contact area remains minimal. This allows for more accurate measurements of the material’s intrinsic properties. However, as humidity rises, the meniscus grows larger, artificially increasing the contact area and thereby altering the current measurements. Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy characterization of SiO2 thin films Figure 1: CAFM characterization of SiO2/n++ Si samples. i–l) Statistical analysis on VON versus RH levels, for 1.5, 2.3, 3.4, and 5.6 nm, respectively. Each box in the statistical analysis plots includes 100 data points. Inside each box, a thick solid white line indicates the median value of the VON calculated from the 100 I–V curves, a white dot indicates the mean value of VON, while the error bar represents the standard deviation of the VON calculated from the same 100 data points. These findings can be visualized in Figure 1, which shows the onset potential (VON) across a range of relative humidity levels for SiO2 samples of different thicknesses (1.5, 2.3, 3.4, and 5.6 nm). The data illustrate a clear trend: in thinner films (Figures 1a and 1b), the onset potential increases steeply as the humidity decreases, confirming the significant role of the water meniscus in facilitating electron flow at higher humidity levels. In contrast, thicker films (Figures 1c and 1d) show a less pronounced increase in VON, indicating that the effect of the meniscus diminishes as the material’s thickness increases. This trend demonstrates that the influence of humidity is much stronger in ultra-thin films, where surface interactions are the dominant factor in determining electrical behavior. This explains why, at higher humidity levels, the onset potential—the minimum voltage required to detect current—was lower. Essentially, the expanded contact area created by the meniscus allows current to flow more easily, lowering the voltage threshold needed to generate measurable current. Interestingly, the study found that metallic samples were largely immune to the effects of humidity. Metals, with their inherently high conductivity, allowed current to flow freely regardless of the minor surface changes caused by the water meniscus. For thicker semiconductors, the increased electron mean free path also rendered the effect of humidity negligible, as the influence of the bulk material properties overshadowed any changes introduced by surface interactions. The broader implications of this research extend beyond CAFM itself. For any technique that involves nanoscale measurements in ambient air, controlling for environmental factors such as humidity is crucial. In practical applications, particularly in industries like semiconductor manufacturing, where nanoscale accuracy is essential, these findings provide a valuable roadmap for improving measurement reliability. By showing how humidity impacts measurements of ultra-thin materials, the study offers a framework for better understanding material properties and improving the performance of devices that depend on these materials. Moreover, the methods used in this study set a new standard for CAFM research. By employing a current-limiting setup that preserved tip integrity, the researchers were able to generate a much larger dataset than previous studies, ensuring their results were statistically robust. This approach not only improves the accuracy of CAFM measurements but also extends the lifespan of the equipment, making the technique more cost-effective for researchers and industries alike.

Michael Berger
– Michael is author of three books by the Royal Society of Chemistry:
Nano-Society: Pushing the Boundaries of Technology,
Nanotechnology: The Future is Tiny, and
Nanoengineering: The Skills and Tools Making Technology Invisible
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