Novel hydrogel sensor enables real-time monitoring of movement disorders

Jul 16, 2024 (Nanowerk Spotlight) The field of wearable health monitoring devices has seen tremendous growth in recent years, driven by advances in flexible electronics, biocompatible materials, and miniaturized sensors. These technologies have enabled the development of skin-adherent patches, smart textiles, and other wearable form factors that can continuously track vital signs and other physiological parameters. However, creating devices that are simultaneously flexible, biocompatible, durable, and sensitive enough to detect subtle body movements has remained an elusive goal. Previous attempts to develop wearable motion sensors have faced several key challenges. Many relied on rigid electronic components that limited flexibility and comfort when worn on the body for extended periods. Others used conductive nanomaterials like carbon nanotubes or metal nanoparticles to enable sensing, but these often raised concerns about long-term biocompatibility and potential toxicity. Achieving both high stretchability and electrical conductivity in a single material has also proven difficult, as these properties are often at odds with each other. Additionally, many earlier prototypes lacked sufficient adhesion to skin, reducing signal quality and causing the sensors to detach during vigorous movement. Biodegradability was another missing piece in most designs, limiting options for safe, long-term implantation or environmentally friendly disposal. Creating a material that could overcome all of these limitations simultaneously has been a major obstacle. Recent progress in fields like supramolecular chemistry, biomaterials engineering, and soft robotics has opened up new possibilities for tackling these challenges. Advanced hydrogels that combine high water content with tunable mechanical and electrical properties have shown particular promise. By precisely engineering the molecular structure and crosslinking of these hydrogels, researchers aimed to create a material that could meet the diverse requirements for an ideal wearable motion sensor. Now, a team of scientists at UCLA has developed a novel hydrogel-based sensor that may overcome many of the limitations of previous approaches. Their work, recently published in the journal Advanced Materials (“A Highly Stretchable, Conductive, and Transparent Bioadhesive Hydrogel as a Flexible Sensor for Enhanced Real-Time Human Health Monitoring”), describes a flexible, adhesive, and biodegradable hydrogel that can detect subtle body movements with high sensitivity. The material shows potential for enabling early diagnosis and continuous monitoring of movement disorders like Parkinson’s disease. The researchers engineered a supramolecular polymer network hydrogel using three key components: polyacrylamide (pAAm), β-cyclodextrin (β-CD), and a bio-ionic liquid called poly 2-(acryloyloxy)ethyltrimethylammonium chloride (pAETAc). By carefully balancing the ratios of these ingredients, they were able to create a material with a unique combination of properties ideally suited for wearable sensing applications. The resulting hydrogel exhibits remarkable stretchability, able to extend to over 3000% of its original length without breaking. This extreme flexibility allows it to conform to the contours of the body and withstand the dynamic movements of daily life. At the same time, the material maintains sufficient mechanical strength and toughness to avoid tearing or damage during use. Notably, the hydrogel achieves electrical conductivity without requiring the addition of potentially toxic metal nanoparticles or carbon nanomaterials. Instead, conductivity is imparted by the pAETAc bio-ionic liquid component. This enables the material to function as an electrical sensor while maintaining biocompatibility. The researchers also engineered strong adhesive properties into the hydrogel, allowing it to stick firmly to skin and other tissues without additional adhesives. In testing, the material showed adhesion strength comparable to commercially available medical adhesives. This built-in stickiness helps ensure consistent contact and reliable signal detection. Another key feature is the hydrogel’s biodegradability. Unlike many synthetic polymer-based materials, this hydrogel can break down naturally in the body over time. This opens up possibilities for its use in implantable sensors or other applications where long-term biocompatibility is crucial. The material also possesses several other advantageous properties for wearable devices. It is highly transparent, allowing it to be worn inconspicuously on visible areas of skin. The hydrogel provides a passive cooling effect, which could enhance comfort during extended wear. The material is highly transparent, allowing it to be worn inconspicuously on visible areas of skin. The hydrogel also demonstrated antioxidant properties, effectively neutralizing free radicals, which could contribute to its biocompatibility and long-term stability. To evaluate the sensing capabilities of their novel hydrogel, the team conducted a series of tests simulating various human movements and medical conditions. They found that the material could detect subtle finger and wrist motions with high sensitivity and repeatability. When attached to shoes, it was able to distinguish between normal walking gaits and the irregular patterns associated with movement disorders. In a key proof-of-concept demonstration, the researchers used their hydrogel sensor to detect simulated symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. The device was able to distinguish between different severities of hand tremors, from minor to severe. It also detected gait abnormalities like bradykinesia (slowness of movement) and freezing of gait. This suggests potential applications in early diagnosis and monitoring of Parkinson’s and other movement disorders. The team also demonstrated the hydrogel’s ability to detect other physiological signals like breathing patterns and coughing. This versatility could enable a single wearable device to monitor multiple health parameters simultaneously. Importantly, the researchers conducted thorough biocompatibility testing both in cell cultures and in live animal models. The hydrogel showed no signs of toxicity and allowed normal cell growth when tested with mammalian cells in the lab. When implanted under the skin of rats, it caused only minimal inflammation and showed gradual biodegradation over several weeks. While the results are promising, further research and development will be needed before this technology could be applied in clinical settings. Larger-scale human trials would be necessary to validate the sensor’s performance in real-world conditions. The long-term durability and reliability of the material would also need to be assessed. Additionally, the researchers will need to develop the supporting electronics and software systems to translate the sensor’s raw signals into actionable medical insights. Nevertheless, this work represents a significant step forward in the development of wearable health monitoring technologies. By combining flexibility, adhesion, biodegradability, and high sensitivity in a single material, the researchers have addressed many of the key challenges that have limited previous approaches. If successfully translated to practical applications, this technology could enable new paradigms in the early detection and management of movement disorders and other health conditions. The ability to continuously monitor subtle changes in movement patterns could provide doctors with much more detailed information about disease progression and treatment efficacy. For patients, it could offer a way to track their symptoms objectively and consistently between clinical visits. In the future, such sensors might even be integrated into closed-loop systems that could automatically adjust treatments in response to changes in symptoms. Beyond movement disorders, the versatile sensing capabilities of this hydrogel could find applications in fields ranging from sports performance monitoring to human-computer interfaces. As wearable and implantable electronics continue to advance, materials like this that can seamlessly integrate with the human body will likely play an increasingly important role in healthcare and beyond.

Michael Berger
– Michael is author of three books by the Royal Society of Chemistry:
Nano-Society: Pushing the Boundaries of Technology,
Nanotechnology: The Future is Tiny, and
Nanoengineering: The Skills and Tools Making Technology Invisible
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